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Reaverfit Blog | Fitness Tips

Comment perdre de la graisse tout en prenant du muscle ?

How to lose fat while gaining muscle?

Comment perdre de la graisse tout en prenant du muscle ?

How to lose fat while gaining muscle?

It is the dream of most athletes, who seek to improve their performance while conquering a form of physical beauty. We are all looking to lose body fat while building stronger muscles that will som...

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Faut-il faire son cardio avant ou après la musculation ?

Should you do your cardio before or after weight training?

Before or after ? Strength training and cardio are complementary physical activities that provide different fitness and health benefits. The two are often combined in the same workout to ac...

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5 conseils pour soulager ses courbatures après le sport

5 tips to relieve aches after sport

This discomfort generally disappears after 24 or 48 hours. And contrary to popular belief, giving up exercise is not the best solution to stop feeling this pain. There are many tips to reduce soren...

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Comment faire du sport quand on n'a pas le temps ? 7 astuces

How do you exercise when you don't have time? 7 tips

You have no free time , a busy schedule? You have a great professional and family responsibility. However, you are aware of the benefits of exercise and you don't want to stop doing it . But when ...

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Réussir à faire le grand écart rapidement : 5 conseils et exercices

Succeed in doing the splits quickly: 5 tips and exercises

The splits are not reserved for gymnasts and dancers, they can interest people who want to obtain more flexibility, but also people who want to increase their range of motion and prevent the risk o...

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5 conseils pour surmonter sa peur de la salle de sport

5 tips to overcome your fear of the gym

There is perhaps no more intimidating place for a woman than the weight room in the gym. “If I can't set this machine up properly, what will other people think of me? I'll be ridiculous with my lit...

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5 conseils pour bien récupérer après une séance de sport

5 tips for recovering well after a workout

After an intense sports session, it is important to take the time to recover properly. Good recovery includes several physical and dietary methods. Here are some tips to help you recover effectivel...

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Comment faire un programme de prise de masse efficace pour une femme ?

How to make an effective mass gain program for a woman?

Because there are millions of bodybuilding programs depending on your goals (weight loss, muscle gain, etc.), you should first know the basics of bodybuilding. You will find all the information you...

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4 raisons de muscler le haut du corps pour les femmes

4 reasons to build upper body muscles for women

Although few women work their upper body indoors, there are plenty of reasons to do so. Women tend to build muscle only in their lower body and some do just that, wrongly! To obtain a harmonious, ...

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4 conseils pour muscler vos fessiers rapidement

4 tips to build your glutes quickly

If you are determined to achieve the goals you have set for yourself, we can assure you that strengthening your glutes will not be too complex a task. If you're looking to get plumper and bigger ...

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