Start your day off right: 5 habits to adopt
Having a morning routine as soon as you wake up is the secret to a productive day. If we generally try to avoid routine, the morning one is actually essential. Adopting the right habits saves time, makes you feel relaxed and even more fulfilled. Here are our few tips for having a good morning routine!
The importance of a morning routine Why have one?
Every morning is an opportunity for a new beginning; the first hour of your day is critical . Perhaps that's why the phrase "waking up on the wrong foot" is so often used to refer to someone in a bad mood, and why it's important to adopt the right habits as soon as you wake up to start the day in a positive way.
To start your day on the right foot, first of all, you must be able to relax, have a good cup of coffee and a good breakfast, do some exercise or meditate for a short time. It's also important to have a moment to list the day's tasks and take a last look at your schedule. Organizing your thoughts before you start is the key to being efficient and productive.
・Habit #1: The first hour of your day determines the mood of our day
Imagine that every morning you wake up late and have to rush to get to your classes or work without having time for breakfast. This is the best way to feel exhausted, hungry and grumpy.
Defining a morning routine is essential to performing well throughout the day, starting with breakfast. It is often said that the first meal of the day is the most important because it breaks the fast and gives your body the energy it needs to complete the first tasks of your day.
If you are used to waking up before everyone else, you can enjoy the tranquility of silence and solitude to enjoy your coffee or tea. So you have a few hours to reflect, plan the rest of the day, or complete pending tasks without distraction.
When you take time for yourself, you experience a sense of fulfillment and happiness. It shines all day!
・Habit #2: Don't check your cell phone before noon!
Social media, emails or any other mobile distractions will only keep you from relaxing and doing your basic tasks each morning. Checking your phone as soon as you open your eyes is one of our generation's most detrimental habits to your mental health, mood, and productivity. Avoid checking your phone when you get out of bed to wake up gently and motivate you to start your day in a good mood and productivity.
However, if you can't wait until the middle of the day to look at your phone because of your work, try not to look at it for an hour after you wake up. As the days go by, you will see a big difference, you will be able to concentrate better and you will appreciate the time you have learned to give yourself to have clearer ideas.
・Habit #3: Apply the law of attraction by setting your intentions for the day
Your thoughts have more power than you can imagine, so waking up to positive thoughts is important to keep you motivated and focused on the good things. You can start reciting affirmations or keeping a journal to express your gratitude, proven techniques for becoming aware of the positive things happening in your life.
As you set your daily intentions, you can add others, such as maintaining healthy relationships with your co-workers, the idea of taking time for yourself, and your physical and mental care. Even if for some it does not seem relevant, the way you approach the morning considerably impacts the rest of your day.
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・Habit #4: Determine next day's important tasks
Even if you are starting a new day, you should already have in mind the important tasks for the next few hours and the to-do list for the next day. For example, if your children have football practice in the afternoon and tomorrow's game is important. Start planning the next few hours to get ahead.
It's also a good habit to have a notebook where you write down your thoughts, perhaps in no particular order. Renowned writer Julia Cameron stresses the importance of this step to prevent ideas floating around in your mind all day or forgetting important topics.
When you write, you visualize your thoughts better, that is, you manage to order them in a satisfactory way to achieve your daily goals. It's also a way to get rid of those cluttered, non-urgent thoughts that can overload your mind throughout the day.
・Habit #5: Best time of day: breakfast!
The energy needed to stay active throughout the day comes from a nutritious breakfast . Add energy foods to your menu, such as eggs, nuts, fruits or cereals. If you don't have an appetite, set up this new habit by accompanying your cup of coffee with fruit and yogurt, and gradually you can increase the quantities.
These foods provide you with essential vitamins and minerals for your body to function optimally, and when you eat breakfast at the same time each day, you have better control over your hunger and can stick to established meal times.
So you'll feel better, look great, and feel much more productive. Your morning habits are just as important as your daily habits - your performance and effectiveness at school or work depend on it.
Also stop delaying your alarm, staying in bed scrolling on your social networks and dismissing any negative thoughts when you wake up. There's nothing worse than that to completely demotivate you and feel tired all day long!
Ultimately, the success of your life largely depends on the habits you adopt as soon as you wake up , so make sure you only have those that are capable of bringing you closer to your goals.