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Article: Sleep better thanks to the benefits of sport!

Dormez mieux grâce aux bienfaits du sport !

Sleep better thanks to the benefits of sport!

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Summary ↓

Who has never had trouble falling asleep after a long day? Lack of sleep can affect your mood, your productivity, and even your health . Fortunately, there is a simple and natural solution to improve the quality of your sleep: exercise . In fact, studies from the National Sleep Foundation found that 83% of people who exercise regularly have better quality sleep than those who aren't active.

1. Why sleep is essential

Sleep isn't just essential for feeling rested and energized. During the night, our body works to repair muscles, consolidate our memory and regulate our hormones , among many other vital processes. Insufficient sleep can lead to a variety of health problems, from obesity to diabetes and heart disease.

Sleep: key to vital health and energy

Quality sleep is essential for both our physical and mental health. Beyond a simple rest, it is a time when our body regenerates, recovers the energy spent and prepares for the next day. It promotes cell healing, strengthens the immune system, and supports optimal brain function .

In addition, sleep helps recover after exercise and boosts the vital energy needed for our daily enthusiasm . For a healthy and dynamic life, sleep is a priority.

2. Understand the link between exercise and sleep

How does exercise affect sleep?

Exercise can promote better sleep in several ways. First, exercise helps regulate our biological clock, or circadian rhythm , which controls when we feel awake or tired during the day. Second, exercise reduces stress and anxiety , which are common causes of insomnia.

The role of hormones

Sports practice also stimulates the production of certain hormones that promote sleep. For example, it increases the production of melatonin , the hormone that helps you sleep. Additionally, exercise can also increase the production of serotonin , a hormone that helps regulate mood, appetite, and the sleep-wake cycle.

3. The benefits of sport on sleep

Regular exercise and sleep quality

Exercising regularly can help you fall asleep faster , stay asleep longer, and get more restful sleep. What's more, exercise can also help reduce the number of nighttime awakenings, allowing you to spend more time in the most restorative deep and REM sleep stages.

The beneficial effects are visible from 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week, or about 30 minutes per day over 5 days. The intensity of physical activity is also important: sustained and regular efforts promote better quality sleep, falling asleep, while reducing nocturnal awakenings and increasing sleep duration.

Go further: When is the best time to exercise: morning, noon, evening?

Sport and sleep in adults

A study has shown that adults who exercise regularly have better quality sleep and feel more alert during the day . This can be particularly beneficial for women between the ages of 18 and 35, who often face high levels of stress and anxiety and also reduce the risk of depression .

Sport and sleep in children

In children, regular exercise can help regulate their biological clock, improve their mood and energy, and increase their attention span during the day. Additionally, children who exercise regularly are less likely to develop trouble sleeping .

11 tips for a better sleep routine

    1. Exercise regularly.
    2. Establish a regular sleep routine.
    3. Avoid caffeine and alcohol near bedtime.
    4. Dim the lights before going to bed.
    5. Avoid screens before bed.
    6. Create an environment conducive to sleep.
    7. Practice relaxation techniques before bed.
    8. Eat a balanced diet.
    9. Keep a positive attitude towards sleep.
    10. Make your bedroom a sleeping sanctuary.
    11. Consult a healthcare professional if you have sleep problems.

women and men in yoga position zen fitness class relaxation in group well-being health pilates stretching for a good sleep.jpg

4. Which sport for better sleep?

There is no "best" sport to improve the quality of your sleep because it largely depends on your preferences and your personal physical condition. However, here is a list of some sports activities that have been proven to promote better sleep:

  • Tennis : Tennis is a sport that allows you to exercise while stimulating coordination and concentration. It promotes falling asleep and the quality of sleep.
  • Yoga : Yoga combines movement, breathing and meditation to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Practicing yoga before bed can help improve sleep quality.
  • Running : Running is an endurance exercise that can help regulate the body's internal clock and increase sleep duration.
  • Swimming : Swimming is a low impact exercise that can help relieve stress and insomnia.
  • Cycling : Cycling, especially outdoor cycling ( biking ), can help synchronize the body's internal clock with the natural environment, which can improve sleep.
  • Pilates : Pilates can help reduce anxiety and improve sleep through its focus on breathing and controlled movement.
  • Walking : A brisk walk can be a simple and effective way to improve sleep quality.
  • Dancing : Dancing is a joyful physical activity that can help reduce stress and improve sleep.
  • Tai chi : Tai chi, often called "moving meditation," can help reduce stress and improve sleep.
  • Strength training / Fitness : Strength training is a great way to improve the quality of your sleep. Resistance exercises, such as weight lifting, increase the time spent in deep sleep, the most restorative phase of sleep.

Also read: How to motivate yourself to exercise regularly?


In conclusion, sport is a valuable ally for improving the quality of your sleep. Whether you're young or old, sedentary or already active, incorporating regular physical activity into your routine can help you sleep better and improve your quality of life. So why not give it a try today?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What are the benefits of sport on sleep?
Sport helps improve sleep quality by promoting faster falling asleep, reducing nocturnal awakenings and increasing the time spent in deep sleep, the most restorative sleep phase.

2. When is the best time to exercise to improve sleep?
It is recommended that you exercise in the late afternoon or early evening to help regulate your sleep cycle. However, intense physical activity should be avoided in the evening, just before going to bed, as it could make it more difficult to fall asleep.

Find out more: When is the best time to exercise: morning, noon, evening?

Body temperature plays a key role in regulating sleep. It is recommended to lower your body temperature slightly before sleeping. This can be aided by a cool environment in your bedroom and can also be aided by the body's natural cooling effect after moderate exercise.

3. What types of sport are recommended to improve sleep?
The choice of sport depends on your personal preferences. You can choose relaxing activities like yoga and tai chi to help reduce stress, or more intense activities like running or weight training to increase the time spent in deep sleep.

4. Can sleep disorders be improved by sport?
Yes, regular physical activity can help combat several sleep disorders, such as insomnia and sleep apnea. However, if you suffer from severe sleep disturbances, it is important to consult a healthcare professional.

5. How important is sleep for recovery after exercise?
Sleep plays a key role in recovery after exercise. During sleep, your body works to repair damaged muscles, consolidate muscle memory, and replenish energy stores. Quality sleep can therefore improve your physical performance and endurance.

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- How to boost your productivity through sport?
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